07.18.2011 12:58 PM

New divorce rules

This is a good start, but Ontario also needs to do what has been the law in Quebec for a long time: seal family law records.  Make them available for only parties to the action, or the presiding judge.



  1. The Doctor says:

    There are some nuances to the issue. I absolutely agree that names should be redacted in any publicly available records, that’s just too much of an invasion of privacy. On the other hand, sans names and any other incriminating/sensitive details, it is important for the reasons for judgment to be made public, for legal research and related purposes.

    • Jerome Bastien says:

      That’s precisely what I wanted to say as well. Redact the names and other identifying details, but everything else should be made public.

  2. Lipman says:

    I wholeheartedly agree with this post, and with those who posted above. Some people are simply too pernicious to be granted access to the names of parties involved.

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