08.08.2011 07:04 AM

What the media say about Hudak and his dishonesty on choice

“Hudak, as a politician looking to run Ontario’s medical system, should state his position. In delaying doing that, he looks weak, inexperienced and uncomfortable with the issue.” (Ottawa Citizen, July 27, 2011)

“Hudak can’t run away from this issue and he shouldn’t try. He has to be honest and have the courage to say what he believes.” (Toronto Star, August 1 2011)

“When pressed by reporters Monday, Mr.Hudak refused to answer whether he still considers himself “pro-life.” (National Post, July 19, 2011)

“[Hudak] believed things about abortion in the past, and there’s no reason to believe he doesn’t believe them now. So the idea that he “may have” signed a pro-life coalition is just staggeringly weak.” (National Post, July 20, 2011)

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