09.21.2011 08:54 PM

Horwath continues to stand with Naziism minimizer

Hamilton-area NDP candidate Anthony Marco’s rambling, tongue-in-cheek podcast and blog rants are supplying the party’s critics with no end of ammunition.

The Liberals unearthed several more Wednesday in which the 42-year-old teacher calls Ontarians lazy, opines that elections are a drag and condemns parents for taking their “f …… kids” along with them to Las Vegas.

The candidate for Niagara West-Glanbrook was on the hot seat earlier for drawing a parallel between Nazism and religion during a profanity-laced podcast a year ago.


  1. MCBellecourt says:

    Unbelievable. The guy is a TEACHER??? I’d pull my kid out of his class in a New York Minute if she were still that age. Horwath should have dumped him like a hot potato pronto, but it’s too late now.

    And, if a candidate says elections are a drag, it means that he’s too lazy to campaign. I worked on a provincial campaign myself and it was one of the most fun times I had. Boring? NOT.

    It galls me to watch someone who has the good fortune of a major party behind his candidacy screw it up like this. For me, it would be a gift and I would weigh everything I said before I said it–respect for the candidacy = respect for the perspective voters I am appealing to.

    This guy sounds more immature than the kids he teaches. Something’s really wrong with him, because most of us know that a person’s skull has a greater purpose than keeping one’s ears apart.

  2. catherine says:

    Yes, I’m very surprised he is a teacher too. He does have a warning on his blog that the language may not be suitable for children, but there isn’t any kind of protection on it, so I suppose his students could read and listen to his podcasts if they wished (and hear themselves being referred to with profanities).

  3. catherine says:

    Now, what’s up with this?
    Police Personnel Insulted by Candidate’s Comments

    Is this a parody or did Marco really say something to insult police, firefighters and doctors?

    Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between parody and just a truly, awful candidate.

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