09.23.2011 08:31 AM

Hudak Helper™


  1. Available at polls near you on October 6th?

  2. David_M says:

    Careful with that Betty Crocker logo.
    She may not want to be associated with Hudak and Horwath.

  3. TofKW says:

    Anyone notice that the Ont NDP’s election signs have switched from orange with green, to orange with blue?


    • Ted H says:

      I have noticed. It is the same shade of blue as Conservative signs and the trillium logo is very similar. Graphic evidence that a vote for the NDP ends up as a vote for the PC.

  4. Michael S says:

    “Just add Two Turkeys!”

  5. John D says:

    I don’t entirely agree with the point, but the little “Cheesy Favorites” logo is just fantastic.

  6. frmr disgruntled Con now happy Lib says:

    A quote for Ms. Horwath: ” A bountiful providence fashioned us holler, so that we could, our principles swaller”-J.S. Woodsworth

  7. Justin says:

    All filling, no taste.

  8. lolcanada says:

    Now that is change I can believe in!

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