09.09.2011 05:06 PM

Tea Party North: just when you think they can’t get any more disgusting…

…they do.

TORONTO, Sept. 9, 2011 /CNW/ – The Ontario PC’s moral downward spiral accelerated this afternoon with the publication of a stunning news report by Metroland Media Group in which far-right Carleton Mississippi Mills PC candidate Jack MacLaren stated that he was in politics to fight for his “culture.”

MacLaren says in the report, posted to YourOttawaRegion.com:  “All across the Western world, countries are willing to stand up a little more.  I am willing to fight for my culture and heritage…”

MacLaren went on to state that it was “fair” to compare the rightward movement of Hudak’s PC’s to the U.S.-based, far-right Tea Party movement.

The report about MacLaren did not make clear which “culture” MacLaren is seeking to protect.  However, MacLaren and PC MPP Randy Hillier were founders of the Ontario Landowners’ Association (OLA), a fringe group long associated with inflammatory intolerance.  For example, the OLA’s manifesto opposed support for what it called “Native, Arts, Homosexual, Urban and Multi cultures.”

The rightward movement of the Ontario PCs, and the presence of OLA extremists, has even led to Hudak’s party being criticized by former PC leader Ernie Eves, who recently denounced his party for becoming the “Tea Party version of Ontario politics.”

Which “culture” is MacLaren and his like-minded Conservatives fighting for?  Does Tim Hudak agree a “culture war” is indeed underway?  Are Hudak’s attacks on what he has called “foreigners” part of it?



  1. Woody says:

    That’s why they only way cons can succeed is with a Harper style cone of silence. Once con MPs or MPPS or MLAs are allowed to express their own views, we learn they don’t really reflect the those of the electorate.

  2. smelter rat says:

    Holy shit, Batman.

  3. Scott Tribe says:

    The nuts in the PC party are all coming out at the same time, it appears. We need some squirrels.

  4. Michael S says:

    Looks like the PCPO has been captured by a Le Pen like National Front movement. While great political fodder for fighting an election it is nothing to laugh at. This is scary stuff.

  5. Steven says:

    Team HudaKKK.

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