09.02.2011 09:38 AM

Tea Party Tim’s week in review

Tim Hudak’s No Good, Very Bad Week



This week, Tim Hudak tried to jump the gun and kick off the provincial election campaign a week early, but stumbled before he even got out of the gate.

On Monday, Hudak showed off his campaign bus, complete with “Change Tim Hudak” slogan. That’s a message that seems to resonate even within his own party, as he also started the week by being cut from his own TV ads.

On Tuesday, Hudak skipped an Eid celebration in Toronto, and then his office lied about not being invited. Then he put up a known conservative in front of the media to pretend to be a non-partisan won over by Hudak’s message.

On Wednesday, former PC premier Ernie Eves said Hudak’s PC were “the Tea Party version of Ontario Politics.” (ctv.ca, August 31, 2011)

Thursday saw Hudak’s approach to politics called “nothing but smoke and mirrors, a dog and pony tax horror show,” (The Trentonian, September 1, 2011). The same day, well-known Conservative pundit Brian MacLeod called Hudak’s planned property tax hike “just a classic bait and switch.” (London Free Press, September 1, 2011)

And all this while continuing in his efforts to do anything and everything to avoid talking about the $14 billion hole in his platform that will require deep cuts to our schools and hospitals to fill. It’s becoming increasingly clear that Tea Party Tim just isn’t worth the risk.




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