Musings —09.27.2011 07:26 PM
—What media said about leaders’ debate
“Dalton McGuinty has come a long way since his first debate [in 1999]” – Allan Bonner, media trainer
“Hudak [is] coming across as slick and processed.” – Kady O’Malley, CBC News
“[I] don’t think this debate wins Hudak any more voters.” – David Akin, Sun News
“[There was a] strong attack by McGuinty on Hudak’s “foreign” comments.” – Globe and Mail editorial board
“Hudak wouldn’t say what he’ll cut to save two cents on a dollar outside health and education ministries.” – Paul Bliss, CTV News
“Horwarth and Hudak’s [false] smiles at each other make me uncomfortable.” – Steve Ladurantaye, Globe
“Hudak’s impressive-sounding list of possible cuts yields few actual dollars” – Karim Bardeesy, Globe and Mail
“Horwath, stop interrupting.” – Tabatha Southey, Globe and Mail
“Hudak is repeating himself.” – Mike Crawley, CBC News
“Problem for Horwath and Hudak: Not clear that one or the other is delivering McGuinty knockout.” – David Akin, Sun News
“Hudak would do himself a favour by mentioning more ideas of his own.” – Adam Radwanski, Globe and Mail
“Hudak was awfully quiet in the legislature when his federal party was giving Ontario billions to help bring in HST.” – Paul Bliss, CTV News
“Dalton_McGuinty says he’s with Bill Davis…throws PC icon at Hudak. Ouch.” – Rob Benzie, Toronto Star
“Hudak has still not said how he’s paying for it.” – David Akin, Sun News
“[One] question was about lack of bold ideas in [the election]. McGuinty talked about stuff he’s already done. Hudak talked about McGuinty.” – Adam Radwanski, Globe and Mail
Timmy looked like Michael Keaton playing Richard Nixon.