10.13.2011 10:45 AM

A week later

…and I’m still walking around, grinning, as I ponder the collective fate of Phony Tony and Benedict Baldy.

Equally, I breathlessly await their run on the NDP ticket, somewhere, sometime soon.


  1. Merrill Smith says:

    Warren, I wish you would stop calling him that. There is a widespread impression that Benedict, as in Arnold, was the epitome of the traitor. That’s because he defected from the U.S. side to the British in the War of 1812. So it makes sense for the Yanks to despise him, but to Canadians, he should be seen as a belated Loyalist who served our cause. Why must we always adopt Yankee values?

  2. Andrew B says:

    Small fact check to the above comment: Bendict Arnold fought in the Revolutionary War not the War of 1812. In fact he died in 1801…

  3. allegra fortissima says:

    “Benedict Baldy”, “Rocco Lossi”… il signor tal dei tali can always dial (416) 642-3100 and beg THE DAISY GROUP

  4. Woolfman says:

    Rossi and Genco were touted as the “star” candidates for the PCs. If that was the best they could do was it any wonder they lost?

  5. Pearsonality says:

    I heard they’re going to make him chair of the PC fund.

  6. Ben Gundy says:

    I would think that with Roccos history within the Heart and Stroke Foundation and in private business he doesn’t really care what you have to think about his future. I am quite sure he will do just fine outside of politics.

  7. Andrew says:

    So I guess there never was a video of Justin Trudeau supporting Tony Genco?

  8. Merrill Smith says:

    Mea culpa. I was flying by the seat of my pants on that point. Obviously the pants are not air worthy.

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