Musings —10.03.2011 04:24 AM
—Good Monday morning: what does it mean?
…it means we work even harder, relentlessly, until the last vote is cast on Thursday.
That’s what it means.
Musings —10.03.2011 04:24 AM
—…it means we work even harder, relentlessly, until the last vote is cast on Thursday.
That’s what it means.
No prisoners, Mr. Kinsella!
Looking at Ekos’ success in last federal election Frank Graves is the polling words answer to Dalton McGuinty – You can’t believe a damn thing he says. He missed by the widest of margins when working seat counts relayed a message of a weakened minority while other pollsters called for a stronger minority with a majority in the cards.
Every other poll this weekend shows a very tight race not a two way race but a three way tight race.
Look for a 1990 like protest vote with a more modest mandate
75-80 seats will oppose this current tired government. Too many seats on the other side of the chamber to give McGoo much chance at returning as premier.
Work relentlessly all week if you must, it will prime you for how most Ontarians must already work just to pay your fee and tax man. Come Friday the teacher’s union bosses can return to shielding pedophiles and abusers from discipline, the working families coaliton can return to extorting it’s membership for their crime bosses and the rest of you Liberals can start invalidating the results with childish statements about Hudak being opposed by 60 plus % of the voters.
Cheer up you can all move to California the jurisdiction your guy wishes to emulate. Dalt, it’s no longer “California or Bust” it’s now “California IS Bust”
“Frank Graves is the polling words (sic) answer to Dalton McGuinty – You can’t believe a damn thing he says.”
Say that publicly using your real name. I dare ya. You’ll get sued into the next millenium.
Says the person who doesn’t identify him/herself. What’s your point? Go back to being told to do by your uninon bosses and come up with some new lies to feed us pigeons.
“What’s your point? Go back to being told to do (sic) by your uninon (sic) bosses and come up with some new lies to feed us pigeons.
My point is, that while a nom de plume is fine (yes, we both use them), have the common decency to state what you would publicly. Say or write publicly what you did about any pollster and they would take you to the legal woodshed.
Oh, and I’m self employed.
What can the average non-involved person do to help? (Other than get out to vote, of course. I’d sooner chew tinfoil than not vote, so that’s not an issue.)
Phil: must be a subscriber to the National Post…
Well I tried the Toronto Star but I was rejected because I showed signs of being capable of thinking for myself
I can’t dumb myself down much more for you guys, can you come up with some meaningful way to sling mud at me for thinking?