10.13.2011 04:08 PM

Waiting for the band


  1. Wannabeapiper says:

    Its 6:07pm-are they there yet?

  2. Did you send your band members a Blackberry message?

  3. Terraderma says:

    Amazing what black leather does to election sheen

  4. student501 says:

    Now that’s suffering !

    I hear a blues tune coming.

    The Boys didn’t show
    Their wives said,they couldn’t go
    My axe was tuned, my amp cranked up
    How could the boys slip up.

  5. Iris Mclean says:

    They’ve found a better bass player.
    Life is tough.

  6. kre8tv says:

    There’s kind of an Archie Bunker Meets the Fonz thing going on here

  7. Lee J says:

    Holy crap – speaking of your band – I thought that you guys had just released a CD under SFH called “From the Dumpster to the Grave” – turns out they stole your acronym – young, angry, Ska-punks – the same, but different 🙂

  8. Andrew says:

    Just curious, who took the picture?

  9. Hammer Dom says:

    Warren thinking to himself; ‘Yea, for sure Sticky Fingers is the best Stones album, no doubt anymore.’

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