10.04.2011 09:36 AM

What does this poll mean?

It means that we keep working until the very end, until the last vote is cast, relentlessly.

Don’t stop, until the end.


  1. Matthew N says:

    Good luck Warren! Pulling for you out here on the west coast.

  2. pomojen says:

    ….while I pull from the east. Give ‘er.

  3. MCBellecourt says:

    Balls To The Wall!!!!!! (from BC)

  4. Martyn says:

    We all need to help the GOTV (Get Out The Vote) efforts in your riding. A couple hours on the phone Thursday asking supporters to come and vote can affect as many as 200 votes. Halton lost by less then 200 last election. We will not this time!

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