11.26.2011 10:52 AM

Letter inbox

A very delayed but nevertheless fervent AMEN to your column in mid-October asking “What would Jesus do?” re the Occupy Movement.  

The Sunday morning prior to the column appearing, as a retired Pastor, I was sitting in Church at a worship service and thinking, “This is not CHURCH, we are just playing CHURCH.  That is where the CHURCH is”.

Thank you for your columns, providing a dose of reality in the midst of often very (undeclared) biases represented as thoughtful comments. 

   Albert Bailey


  1. Emily M says:

    I hear you, Albert.

    • Philip says:

      I just wanted to say thank you Albert. You put into a few words what has been rattling around in my head for awhile now about the Occupy movement. This is important, this does matter. Thank you again for putting those words out there.

  2. Dan F says:

    Jesus was just another sandal-wearing middle-eastern long-haired hippy who had it in for the money lenders on wall street.

  3. barry says:

    A better question is what would Chretien say or do about the occupiers… we know what Trudeau would say “malcontents and miscreants all”!

  4. allegra fortissima says:

    I don’t know what Trudeau would say – actually, nobody does – but I do know what Pierre Trudeau said in front of the Legislature Building, Winnipeg, July 1969:

    … In Canada, there is a recognition. I think, if not of the greater maturity at least of the greater awareness of youth and the greater desire of youth to participate in the shaping of the destinies of the society in which they live. Now, can I be more specific? If you are talking about representation, I agree there should be a great deal of it. We tend to encourage as much as possible the awareness of young people by inviting them to enter the various political parties in Canada. We believe that the great danger would be that young people cop out or drop out, feeling that governments are irrelevant, that they are not honest, and that you really can’t trust them or that you can’t get the right things done through them. This of course is, to me, a wrong solution. By dropping out you can renounce the possibility of shaping the destiny of your society. I believe you should drop in, and I believe it’s up to parties and governmental structures to facilitate this. In other words, I’d rather, on occasions such as this and others, have the young people in our society give their governments hell, or their authorities or their establishments hell, in order that they feel that they can get their point of view at least understood if not accepted, than have them out invading administration buildings or marching on parliament or setting fire to research centres. In other words, I believe the tremendous amount of energy which is contained in the young people today, the number of young people in our societies who are involved in the education process, is so great that something has to give somewhere…” ( Trudeau, Pierre Elliott: Conversation With Canadians, University Of Toronto Press)

  5. Chris says:

    70% of Occupy Wall Streeters are Employed, Compared to 56% of Tea Partiers.

  6. Marc-Andre Chiasson says:

    When one removes the letter “r” from the name Gord, one is left with the word “God”. Are these antonyms…or antagonyms?

  7. Chris says:

    Reference for your assertion re: unemployment?

  8. Michael S says:

    Well done Mr. Bailey. As for Gord, an authoritarian who believes himself as being libertarian is equivalent to someone who categorically denies snoring. Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.

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