11.18.2011 05:08 PM

Tim Hudak, idiot

To wit:

Hudak suggests Tories may try to trigger election next year (Ont-Minority)
Source: The Canadian Press
Nov 18, 2011 16:40

TORONTO – Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak is suggesting that his party may try to trigger an election next year to put Ontario’s economy back on track.

In an email to the party faithful, Hudak slams Premier Dalton McGuinty for shooting down his idea to force a pay freeze on public sector workers through legislation.

He urges the party to continue working hard so they “will be ready to go into an election next year if necessary to restore Ontario as the economic leader in Canada.”

But the Tories wouldn’t be able to bring down the government on their own.

They hold just 37 seats in the 107-member legislature, which means they’d need the support of the NDP, who have 17 seats.

The Oct. 6 election saw the Liberals reduced to just 53 seats _ one short of a majority government.


“Mr. Hudak, is [insert complaint] now enough for you to finally defeat the government? When are you going to do that?  When are you going to make good on your threat? When? When?” Every press conference.  Every release.  Everything he does, now – he will be asked about this Historic Blunder™.  What an idiot.

And when he doesn’t defeat the government – because he won’t – he’ll look weak, or like he made a Historic Blunder™, or both.

Didn’t know this one was coming, but I’m sure glad it did.  God’s a Liberal, etc.


  1. Justin says:

    Too bad Timmie can’t grow oil, which is the only thing that Alberta the new so called engine of Canada has going for it.

  2. Derek Pearce says:

    He’d need Horwath’s help to do this. If the Ontario NDP were to bring down the govt over forcing a public wage freeze, well, hell will also be freezing…

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