Musings —12.12.2011 10:41 AM
—The Law Society of Upper Canada is a joke (updated)
As I write this, I am (again) on hold. I – and many other Ontario lawyers – have been trying to meet our Continuing Professional Development requirements for the year. There’s no one to talk to, they don’t return messages, there aren’t enough sessions, and those sessions that exist are full.
Good thing these people don’t run the judicial system or anything.
Oh, wait.
UPDATE: Spoke to an actual person, she said she would immediately connect me with someone else. I’m back on hold, and have been for 20 minutes. These idiots should work for Rogers.
UPDATER: Been on hold for close to an hour, now. Have started to do a film about this, for later broadcast (I’m not kidding). Emails sent to every available LSUC address have gone unanswered.
100% agree! this is suchapainintheass….
My sister was on ignore with Air Canada once for about an hour and 20 minutes.
Same as every professional licensing body now…CA, CFP, etc. all adding this cash grab in the name of “credibility” and “consumer trust”. Just find the ” video conferences” that everyone logs into at 9AM and let’s run until it ends, usually at 1PM. There’s 4 hours of “continuing education”…a silly game.
But no multitasking! No, no, no!
Here in BC, the CBA and the Continuing Legal Education society (separate entity from the Law Society) are pretty good at offering “Last Kick at the Can” packages at the end of the year so people can get their credits in. Usually the programs are offered as webinars or video conferences to make it easier to fit into one’s schedule. I try to get mine in before Labour Day to avoid any last-minute crunch…
Maybe they don’t want you practising law in Ontario. 😉
Aren’t you a little to blame for trying to pick up your 3 hours of CPD / 9 hours of CLE on December 12? You had 11 whole months to sort this out and now you’ve left it to the last minute.
And another thing, since when does LSUC run the judicial system? I thought the courts did that.
Timely and efficient is not something I would associate with a group still referring to themselves as “Upper Canada”.
The CPD requirements are insane. I have been to a few webcast sessions which were more than useless and they were accredited for the 3 hours “substantive” portion of the CPD. I recommend these as an easy way to fulfill your requirement.
In the longer term, I only voted for benchers who planned to get rid of the CPD requirement.