01.05.2012 11:41 AM

Byline, Jan. 4: no microphones were cut off in the taping of this segment

Brian Lilley and me on-air, together, and actually smiling. Clip and save.


  1. KenzoS says:

    veritable love-fest. Somewhat coherent exchange on the topic at hand. Me so confused.

    • The Doctor says:

      It’s all a game. Like professional wrestling. WK grew up on Stampede Wrestling, after all.

      • Warren says:

        Damn straight!

        Was also a big Andre the Giant and Killer Kowalksi fan.

        • KenzoS says:

          1970’s Roller derby…..The Cdn All Stars- Paul the Bear Rupert, Skinny Minny Miller. Signs of a wayward childhood.

          Betcha Lilley couldn’t duck and weave around that track.

        • smelter rat says:

          We only got Maple Leaf Wrestling up on the Shield. Gene Kiniski, Whipper Billy Watson and Sweet Daddy Seki etc. Good times.

          • The Doctor says:

            Some of those guys did the same circuit. Kiniski and Sweet Daddy Seki definitely put in quality appearances at Stampede Wrestling. IT’s rather sad that Victoria Park, the dodgy Calgary neighbourhood where the Victoria Pavillion was situated, is apparently now morphing into a yuppie enclave. The Victoria Park locals in the crowd at Stampede Wrestling gave the show part of its distinctively raucous atmosphere. That, and of course the inimitable Mr. Whelan . . .

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