01.13.2012 12:46 PM

Get stuffed, Jason Kenney

I’m back!


  1. TheSilentObserver says:

    I’m a wee bit lost here, is this his Mandarin name or something, if not what is the connection?

    • TheSilentObserver says:

      Never mind, I visited the site. Looks delicious, in any case

      • Kev says:

        Last time I was there, those cheesy certificates were posted in a half-dozen restaurant and business windows along Somerset West in Ottawa.

        • frmr disgruntled Con now happy Lib says:

          They seemed to have worked(sadly) for the Minister of Curry in a Hurry….or should that be Minister of Wun-Tun on the Run?………He definately was “currying” favour with those cheesy certificates…. ……sorry…..

          I remember the days when a photograph of a PM or cabinet minister was good enough……eg, the Green Door in Vancouver, a favourite of PET…..

  2. frmr disgruntled Con now happy Lib says:

    Had to look up the restaurant…..and then of course I remembered….. “the commendation”…..http://www.yangshengrestaurant.ca/

    Have a great convention, Mr. Kinsella!

  3. Tim O'Malley says:

    Hey! Welcome back to Snow-ttawa, WK. YS has the best duck in town – and forces me to explain “where food comes from” to the kids, every time we walk by. If Daisy Group ever opens an Ottawa office, without a doubt it should be at the corner of Bronson and Somerset. All the best.

  4. frmr disgruntled Con now happy Lib says:

    In Vancouver, try Foo’s Ho Ho…..not much atmosphere to speak of…..but Chinese locals go there…..and the food is good and reasonably priced…..http://dinehere.ca/vancouver/foos-ho-ho

    And for won-ton there is only one place….Hon’s Won Ton…..www.hons.ca……cant go into Vancouver without getting my fix of Hons!!!

  5. james curran says:

    I burned the video evidence I think. But since you’re there, you might as well attend this great news event tonight. http://www.facebook.com/#!/events/275126682546810/

  6. Tyrone says:

    He uses the Coat of Arms of Canada, and his official title, on a paper with the CPC logo on it? I want to say that that is a new low, but with Kenney, I’m not sure that’s true.

  7. Philip says:

    If that is the one at the corner of Bronson and Somerset, they owe me for three hours I spent doubled over with food poisoning in 1995. Bastards!

  8. allegra fortissima says:

    Way more inspiring than Sweet and Sour Chicken Balls:


    Excellent speech!

    P.S. CAPTCHA Code PMWK – you gotta be kiddin’…

  9. kre8tv says:

    Welcome back to town, amigo!

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