01.19.2012 02:02 PM

It’s your daily double of Double Bubble Trouble!

The media frenzy about SFH, and our tune Double Bubble Trouble, continues apace!

The other day, it was the Toronto Star – now, CBC’s As It Happens is apparently going to play the tune on-air tonight.  Groupies and untold riches await!

I wrote the tune in less time than it takes to play it (which should tell you all you need to know, as you can discover here), but here’s a pic of the boys on the soon-to-be-released LP’s back cover. It’s called WDYHM (as in Why Do You Hate Me).

Isn’t Davey Snot handsome?  And he’s single, too, girls!


  1. Iris Mclean says:

    I’m gonna tune in for sure and hit the record button on my Sears AM/FM cassette radio.
    Do you suppose Bubble’s team of lawyers will be recording it too?

  2. allegra fortissima says:

    Activities: “Lying on the Couch, Sleeping, Eating, Those Kind of Things, Drumming”

    Interests: “Lying on the Couch, Sleeping, Eating, Those Kind of Things, Drumming”

    We girls can’t wait…

  3. Davey Snot says:

    What’s wrong with lying on the couch?

  4. W the K - No, not Warren says:

    Ya bunch of degenerate hooligans…

  5. smelter rat says:

    I’m in for an autographed copy of the LP. Seriously.

  6. Self-confessed Raelian says:

    Is it me, or does Mr. Dinsdale appear to have just one thing on his mind……;)

  7. Ritalin Boy says:

    Ok ok, I knew I’d be misunderstood. You dirty minded cretins. Beyond the provocative titles (hey, Malcolm McLaren named the band “Sex Pistols” for a reason!) there’s some insightful social commentary in my tunes. To wit:

    Fuck Buddy – a sarcastic ode to dating in the post-divorce, post-feminist, post-internet, post-modern world. If your other option is Doc Johnson and Duracel, why not a sucker with no self-esteem like me? I am good with that. Look for my ad on Craiglist, eHarmony or Ashley Madison…

    Horny Single Mom – a recognition that my role as a “family man” appears to have been one of donating genes, and then looking forward to being allowed to see my kid occasionally. It’s also my “Norwegian Wood”, an autobiographical tale of hooking up at the daycare! Interesting times we live in! All that in a 1 minute tune!

    Jesus Got Wood – A come to Jesus anthem, inspired by the bumper sticker “My boss is a jewish carpenter” which is just the kind of inane crap that turned me off church. If they played music like this at Church, I’d be there every week. And dude, as far as I am concerned, my Jesus is – ahem – Omnipotent.

    Superpoke – more autobiography. I used to run Facebook’s Canadian office. In the Canadian version of “Social Network” I am a cross between Sean Parker and Eduardo. Nuff said…

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