01.11.2012 08:09 PM

Where I Am

…at Camp Kawartha, well past Peterborough, with Son One and Son Two, and a few dozen of their classmates.

I’ve finally found something I’m good at, in my fifties. I think I’m going to turn this chaperone thing into a career.


  1. Michael S says:

    Be good at wood stove fires and you will be a god.

  2. Peterpatch says:

    I chaperoned my son’s class trip there too. Those cabins can get cold at night. I hope you brought a warm sleeping bag!

  3. allegra fortissima says:

    Send me an email once you’ve established the Canadian branch of Gordonstoun!

  4. que sera sera says:

    LOL!! Some things haven’t changed since fire was first discovered!!

  5. Murdoch says:

    I did a few of these-my greatest accomplishment was taking 13, grade 8 girls to Penn State at State College – to play volleyball. I drove the bus and chaperoned. It was a 7 hour drive, a two day lay over and we drove back at 10pm and got back about 5am. I have never quite been the same.

  6. Susan says:

    You are a great dad Warren. Your kids will remember these times as special moments with you.

  7. Marc-André Chiasson says:

    Le petit chaperon rouge, hein Warren?

  8. Merrill Smith says:

    Completely off topic, but how come no birthday greetings for your former boss?

  9. JH says:

    Took 12 – 10/11 year old girls to a ringuette tournament in Quebec City – kids were easy, hardest part was chaperoning the parents. All these yuppies turned into party animals once they got across the Quebec border. Must be something in the Quebec air. Unreal!
    BTW Wk – if you get to Kawartha Downs bet anything Jon Drury is driving.

  10. dave says:

    Badminton teams and track kids were great…football teams were the worst…and never ever carry cheerleaders…one to two days with teenagers? great! …three or more days? Not a chance!

  11. WDM says:

    Kawartha Dairy Ice Cream even if it is mid-January.

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