02.05.2012 01:39 PM

“Yesterday’s Man” – not

I’m on the back stretch of the new book, and have hit a bit of a research roadblock.  I am looking for any and all articles containing commentary about the photo of this young man water skiing, way back on the Canada Day long weekend in 1993.  There is surprisingly little I can find.  Anyone who can help will get my thanks, and a mention in Fight the Right!


  1. Cameron Prymak says:

    It’s microfiche time.

  2. Herman Thind says:

    It was a cover story in MacLeans in “JC’s Rise To Power” article…

    Jean Chretien’s route to power
    AUTHOR(S)Fotheringham, Allan
    PUB. DATENovember 1993
    SOURCEMaclean’s;11/8/93, Vol. 106 Issue 45, p72
    SOURCE TYPEPeriodical
    DOC. TYPEArticle
    ABSTRACTLooks back at the career of Canada’s newly elected prime minister Jean Chretien. Two women who helped him along; Personal background; His first year in Ottawa in 1963; His position as a junior cabinet minister; Known as being famously impatient over detail.
    ACCESSION #9311087641
    Tags: CHRETIEN, Jean, 1934-; PRIME ministers; POLITICIANS; CANADA — Politics & government — 1945-; BIOGRAPHIES

  3. student501 says:


  4. Marc-Andre Chiasson says:

    Hi Warren. Didn’t find much more than the others on the water skiing story. However, in case you have not seen it, there all sorts of interesting things in this Radio-Canada bio en français on Monsieur Chrétien. Thought you might like it: http://www.radio-canada.ca/nouvelles/dossiers/tetes/chretien/deux.html

  5. Chris Drew says:

    I have a vague recollection that Susan Delacourt’s book Juggernaut mentioned it. Don’t have a copy on me to search for a page number. Could be wrong.

  6. Gary says:

    Stock Day showed up at a scheduled news conference on a Seadoo and in a wet suit. Chretien was photographed at his own cottage while spending off time with family. Stock appeared to be grandstanding.

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