04.20.2012 08:29 AM

We don’t want an Ontario election, but we’ll be ready for it if it happens

…we may well win it, too.  It’ll be interesting, next week:


  1. ottawacon says:

    The energy issue is going to be a real millstone – it is stunning how completely the media is accepting the 1:1 relationship between green energy and rate increases, ignoring the fact that the revenue outlay just does not match up. The largest driver of those rate increases is infrastructure spending, which is sad reflection of 20 years of neglect. That is something the PCs have to wear as well, their pseudo-market reforms did absolutely nothing to address known problems. McGuinty deserves criticism for leaving it late and not prioritizing it, but it is awfully rich to hear the PCs trying to make hay on the issue set.

  2. Tiger says:

    If you guys don’t give way to the NDP on the new upper tax bracket, I think we’ve got a snap election.

    Suits me fine.

  3. scanner says:

    if the trend keeps up, could be an Orange Crush.

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