04.10.2012 06:40 PM

Wildrose supporter Richard Evans

Evans is a Calgary resident who has made failed runs for municipal office in Calgary.  More recently, he has been a participant at Wildrose conventions, and is very active in their campaign, principally online.  Here is what I know (so far) about his history:

I am hoping to write about the extent of Evans’ involvement with Wildrose.  Anyone with additional cited information is welcome to post in comments, below.


  1. smelter rat says:

    I am hoping to write about the extent of Evans’ involvement with Whiterose.



  2. bigcitylib says:

    Don’t forget Peter Csillag.

  3. barb says:

    Go to the wayback machine and enter http://www.no-libs.com/ Seems the guy is obsessed with pedophiles.

  4. Bill Johnson says:

    Evans is the lowest of the low on the #abvote stream. Always has always will. Brings zero to the conversation. I suggest that every time he posts something inflammatory on twitter just simply report the post. You’d be surprised how fast twitter would shut him down.

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