On your computer, bring up a terminal window (aka DOS prompt, terminal emulator, etc)
At your terminal prompt, type “nslookup” and hit enter.
Here’s what you’ll see (in this case Windows XP)
Server: [my supplier’s DNS server domain]
Address: [my supplier’s DNS server IP]
The second-last line (Name: CPE602ad0913ff0-CM602ad0913fed.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) indicates that this infamous IP is likely just one of a gazillion Rogers IPs used for cable customer connection to the internet. Furthermore, they may be dynamically assigned, meaning that the same IP could have been reassigned numerous times, and I sincerely doubt that Rogers has sufficient records from a year ago that would establish what customer had what IP and when.
Face it – through delays and roadblocks and pressure and background lever-pulling, the whole EC robocall investigation has been reduced to one actor in one riding, from which the CPC can successfully distance themselves, and once again they they emerge unscathed. I guess this is what they meant by “accountability”.
Well, not quite. Rogers IP leases are for 7 days. Lease re-negotiation starts at the half-way mark. So, 3 1/2 days after the lease is granted the host will try to re-negotiate the lease. Since it already has the IP address, the DHCP server will re-assign the same one. If the host is powered off for more than 3 1/2 days (and that just happens to be at the end of the lease time), and if another host sends a request for an IP address once the original lease has expired, the DHCP server may assign the original address to the new host. Then again it may not – it may assign any free address.
Is it likely that during the heat of an election campaign, a campaign worker’s pc remained powered off for more than 3 1/2 days? Could be. But maybe not.
Thanks for the reply. You clearly have a better handle on the Rogers connections than I.
Still… after a year, do you believe that sufficient records exist to identify the endpoint, let alone conclusively identify the computer used (eg MAC address)? Then you have to establish who had it and when. What if it resolves to an innocent open wifi, eg at a coffee-shop, where ANYONE could have connected? You probably won’t be getting a years’ worth of wireless lease info from there…
I’ve also heard that in court, an IP by itself isn’t enough to confirm origin.
I remain pessimistic, but thanks for trying to cheer me up.
This data comes from RackNine if I am not mistaken. They prepared a detailed forensic report of their own in order to try to clear their name. Or a combination of their information and what the reporters were able to gather elsewhere. So RackNine is the one that is reporting that the same IP address was used for both setting up the campaign request for robo-calling and the Pierre Poutine request.
This is all that we know publicly, which is a heck of a lot less than Elections Canada has gathered over the course of its nearly one-year investigation with their multiple subpoenas.
It seems absolutely clear to me that there was far more than one person involved and knowledgeable about this election fraud.
I kind of personally doubt any PMO/National Campaign knowledge of it, but I doubt no one at all knew that something like that was going on given the use of the national database.
And I seriously doubt that no one at PMO didn’t know a heck of a lot more about it after it went public and the spin machine was set in motion. Like always, it is the cover-up more than the crime that will kill the government.
Folks, the number CPE602ad0913ff0-CM602ad0913fed.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com specifically identifies the end users equipment. The only way Rogers can make sure that the appropriate people get on their network is by knowing exactly what the end user ‘serial numbers’ are for their device. CPE stands for customer premise equipment, and the other numbers identify the physical device in someone’s home.
Without a doubt Rogers can easily provide the exact location of the termination point, however if someone at that address has an open WiFi router with no security, well that might be a dead end too.
Steve Gibson of GRC has been a recognized expert in this field for a long time. He has a web page set up where you can test this. I have been with Rogers for years and have ran his test. In my case the number is a unique identifier that follows me through IP address lease changes. You can try it and come back to it over time. You could also do an IP release/renew, if familiar with that. My number is tied to my account and not just the leased IP address. As for how long Rogers keeps info? Who knows. But a year would be believable.
P.S., even if the number did follow the IP address, and not the account, what are the chances of the next guy with that IP contacting Rack Nine 4 minutes later? Poutine is in trouble, just a matter of time.
umber is a unique identifier that follows me through IP address lease changes. You can try it and come back to it over time. You could also do an IP release/renew, if familiar with that. My number is tied to my account and not jus
Bet you won’t see anything about this in the National Pest or Tabloid Sun.
National Post and Ottawa Citizen are the same ownership.
Unless you meant we won’t see anything because no one reads the post.
Andrew Prescott and same sex marriage:
Homework exercise:
On your computer, bring up a terminal window (aka DOS prompt, terminal emulator, etc)
At your terminal prompt, type “nslookup” and hit enter.
Here’s what you’ll see (in this case Windows XP)
Server: [my supplier’s DNS server domain]
Address: [my supplier’s DNS server IP]
Name: CPE602ad0913ff0-CM602ad0913fed.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com
The second-last line (Name: CPE602ad0913ff0-CM602ad0913fed.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) indicates that this infamous IP is likely just one of a gazillion Rogers IPs used for cable customer connection to the internet. Furthermore, they may be dynamically assigned, meaning that the same IP could have been reassigned numerous times, and I sincerely doubt that Rogers has sufficient records from a year ago that would establish what customer had what IP and when.
Face it – through delays and roadblocks and pressure and background lever-pulling, the whole EC robocall investigation has been reduced to one actor in one riding, from which the CPC can successfully distance themselves, and once again they they emerge unscathed. I guess this is what they meant by “accountability”.
Well, not quite. Rogers IP leases are for 7 days. Lease re-negotiation starts at the half-way mark. So, 3 1/2 days after the lease is granted the host will try to re-negotiate the lease. Since it already has the IP address, the DHCP server will re-assign the same one. If the host is powered off for more than 3 1/2 days (and that just happens to be at the end of the lease time), and if another host sends a request for an IP address once the original lease has expired, the DHCP server may assign the original address to the new host. Then again it may not – it may assign any free address.
Is it likely that during the heat of an election campaign, a campaign worker’s pc remained powered off for more than 3 1/2 days? Could be. But maybe not.
Thanks for the reply. You clearly have a better handle on the Rogers connections than I.
Still… after a year, do you believe that sufficient records exist to identify the endpoint, let alone conclusively identify the computer used (eg MAC address)? Then you have to establish who had it and when. What if it resolves to an innocent open wifi, eg at a coffee-shop, where ANYONE could have connected? You probably won’t be getting a years’ worth of wireless lease info from there…
I’ve also heard that in court, an IP by itself isn’t enough to confirm origin.
I remain pessimistic, but thanks for trying to cheer me up.
This data comes from RackNine if I am not mistaken. They prepared a detailed forensic report of their own in order to try to clear their name. Or a combination of their information and what the reporters were able to gather elsewhere. So RackNine is the one that is reporting that the same IP address was used for both setting up the campaign request for robo-calling and the Pierre Poutine request.
This is all that we know publicly, which is a heck of a lot less than Elections Canada has gathered over the course of its nearly one-year investigation with their multiple subpoenas.
It seems absolutely clear to me that there was far more than one person involved and knowledgeable about this election fraud.
I kind of personally doubt any PMO/National Campaign knowledge of it, but I doubt no one at all knew that something like that was going on given the use of the national database.
And I seriously doubt that no one at PMO didn’t know a heck of a lot more about it after it went public and the spin machine was set in motion. Like always, it is the cover-up more than the crime that will kill the government.
Folks, the number CPE602ad0913ff0-CM602ad0913fed.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com specifically identifies the end users equipment. The only way Rogers can make sure that the appropriate people get on their network is by knowing exactly what the end user ‘serial numbers’ are for their device. CPE stands for customer premise equipment, and the other numbers identify the physical device in someone’s home.
Without a doubt Rogers can easily provide the exact location of the termination point, however if someone at that address has an open WiFi router with no security, well that might be a dead end too.
Steve Gibson of GRC has been a recognized expert in this field for a long time. He has a web page set up where you can test this. I have been with Rogers for years and have ran his test. In my case the number is a unique identifier that follows me through IP address lease changes. You can try it and come back to it over time. You could also do an IP release/renew, if familiar with that. My number is tied to my account and not just the leased IP address. As for how long Rogers keeps info? Who knows. But a year would be believable.
Test this HERE
P.S., even if the number did follow the IP address, and not the account, what are the chances of the next guy with that IP contacting Rack Nine 4 minutes later? Poutine is in trouble, just a matter of time.
umber is a unique identifier that follows me through IP address lease changes. You can try it and come back to it over time. You could also do an IP release/renew, if familiar with that. My number is tied to my account and not jus