Musings —05.11.2012 12:14 PM
—Gray power redux
I’ve never been a fan of CARP – they became rent-a-grassroots-lobby, a few years back – but this seems consistent with gen pop data now kicking around. Governments defeat themselves, someone once said, and someone was of course correct.
I did not understand the reaction (or lack thereof) of from church groups when KAIROS was so vilified and its funding was cut.
KAIROS as I understand it is a cross-section of many denominations of Christian churches. Whatever one’s views of the Christian church (writ large), I think the work KAIROS did was respected.
Member churches of KAIROS… see below: If you will notice, not one fundamentalist group amongst them……..KAIROS did do good work, but apparently Bev Oda, or rather Stephen Harper, thought otherwise…..From Wiki…..
On November 30, 2009, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) informed KAIROS that its 2009-2013 program proposal (worth $7 million) had been rejected. The proposal, developed with support from CIDA staff and in collaboration with KAIROS’ Global Partners, was approved at every level of CIDA before being rejected by the Minister for International Cooperation, Bev Oda. A letter from the Minister Oda (sent four days after KAIROS received notice of the funding cut) claimed that KAIROS did not meet CIDA’s new thematic priorities (Food Security, Children and Youth, and Economic Growth) and that CIDA only funds projects that deliver “results that make a real difference to the lives of those living in poverty.” CIDA’s own evaluator, however, wrote that KAIROS’ 2006-2009 program “is very much in line with CIDA policies, particularly the United Nations (UN) Millennium Goals and with CIDA’s Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) priorities, Key Agency Results (KARS) and Strengthening Aid Effectiveness policy.” [13]
KAIROS resubmitted a program proposal to CIDA in March 2010. CIDA rejected the application a year and a half later (in Sept. 2011) citing that it would not be “good value for money.”
Anglican Church of Canada
Christian Reformed Church in North America
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
The Presbyterian Church in Canada
United Church of Canada
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Canadian Religious Conference
Mennonite Central Committee of Canada
The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF)
I’m only 34 and will switch to Liberals because of the OAS change, had to be a better way to modify it like adjusting it based on years in Canada, lowering the treshold when it begins to be clawed back, etc…
However, the prospect of an NDP government makes me want to throw up…
Welcome aboard!…..I suggest you check out the party website… Like you, the thought of an NDP govt, but especially one led by Mr. Mulcair, makes me ill as well……
Very interesting, even if we don’t know how stable this is yet.
This complements the recent Harris-Decima poll where Suburban male support for CPC dropped to 29% vs. 36% NDP– another constituency that has been historically part of the absolute core of CPC support.
Where’s the Mulcair attack ads from the Conservatives? I mean it IS playoff season.
Can`t wipe out the Liberals without Mulcair.
Can`t wipe out the Liberals by attacking Mulcair.
Oops – sorry about the double post.