Musings —07.10.2012 12:00 AM
—In today’s Sun: i hope this makes Wicary’s tiny head explode
So, there’s this fellow who works at Sun News.
We often share the same page in the paper for our columns. He is quite famous, and I decidedly am not. I don’t ever mention him, and he doesn’t ever mention me.
There are a lot of good reasons for that, but suffice to say that our benign and baby-faced Sun News overlord, Kory Teneycke, was somehow able to obtain a truce between this fellow and I.
For years, it had been the War of the Roses between us — on steroids. The fact that Kory was able to achieve a cessation of hostilities suggests to me that if you ever want somebody to solve the Middle East crisis, Teneycke’s the guy.
Suffice to say this fellow — who I do not, and will not, name — disagrees with me fiercely on just about everything. The reverse is also true. There is nothing we agree on, pretty much.
Except one thing: Stephen Wicary. Stephen Wicary was the online editor for The Globe and Mail for a number of years. He’s a weedy, pompous bore, like not a few folks on Parliament Hill.
Part of his job, apparently, was to attack people on Twitter he didn’t like. This included my friend Norman Spector, and pretty much anybody who has ever had anything to do with Sun News.
Between this fellow and ME.
Ah, C’mon, Warren……you’re famous in your own right to those who follow politics, or punk from the 70’s.
Ezra, is more “infamous” that famous…..that should be some relief.
When someone is MORE than just famous, they are INFAMOUS.
Ezra is not just famous, he’s IN-famous!
h/t 3 amigos
I have to agree.
Wicary has better grammar in any case.
cp7yy a grudge much? Wow.
Off topic.
Watching Boris ??? on TV. He should run for the LPC leadership. He has a certain stature and his French is quite good!
You shouldn’t be burning bridges, Warren. Kory may be able to broker the peace between two partisan blowhards, but his miracle ways do not seem to translate into eyeballs watching his network.
Thanks for the life advice, person who uses a fake name.