07.09.2012 06:33 PM

Kill me now, Jesus, I can’t go on

Just at West 49. Buying gear for the kids.

Guy at cash sees my Replacements tee. “Hey, man, that was a great movie,” says he.

“What?” I say, horrified and amazed. Companion says I look like I want to kill. Kid stutters.

“The movie,” he squeaks. “You know, the football movie.”

“No, I don’t,” I hiss. “The Replacements were a band. A fucking great band. Perhaps the greatest band.”

Kid scoots away. Me, to no one in particular:

“I hate everyone.”


  1. Matthew says:

    I’m more disturbed that he thinks the Replacements was a great movie.

  2. Jordyn m says:

    Pleased To Meet Me turned 25 on Saturday. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleased_to_Meet_Me

    It’s aged quite well. I’m going to give it a spin on the ol’ turntable to celebrate.

    It’s kind of amazing that Pleased To Meet Me was released just a scant few months before I was born.


    • Glen says:

      It’s aged like shit. The sound quality is terrible even on the re-release.

      Never liked this album despite the hype. A few good songs but overall doesn’t hold a candle to the real holy triumvirate – Hootenanny, Let It Be and Tim.

  3. Daniel W. says:

    Hope I die before I get old.

  4. Dude Love says:

    A real punk wouldn’t care if the person knew the band or not.

  5. Geoffrey L. says:

    Ah, you punk rocker!

  6. W the K - No, not Warren says:

    Just go all Larry Seigel on ’em.

    “you don’t know…”

    I do it all the time. Beats contemplating eating a peach.

  7. Derek Pearce says:

    Heh, something I can relate to that you say without feeling it was before my time! For most peeps, it was just a movie, thought I know they were a real band. Also, you don’t hate everyone. We all know you’re too full of life and love to hate “everyone” for cryin’ out loud. -OH! OMG. Okay my bad on this whole thing. I just took a pause to look at Wiki to see whatever happened to the lead singer, and realized I’m completely wrong, I was thinking of The Committments. As I’m sure your service person there thought as well. Now I must go look up the Replacements… insert sheepish dog-pissed-on-rug grimace here…

  8. Chris says:

    What makes it worse is the Replacements stared Reanu Reeves.

  9. Sb says:

    Conversely, a 20 yr old barrista commented that the Dirtbombs is a great band upon seeing my t-shirt, so there is still hope.

  10. WestcoastJim says:

    Warren – does it ever concern you that every day you get a little bit more like a character on “Curb Your Enthusiasm”?

  11. Kaplan says:

    Avoid West 49. You’ll find better educated kids at the Orange Julius shop.
    I went in there a few weeks ago, and asked the oldest looking kid – the manager – if they had any Elephant decks in hand (you know, the new brand launched by street skate legend Mike Vallely). Guy hadn’t heard of Elephant, and actually looked at me and asked, “Mike who?”

  12. Hammer Dom says:

    I never see you wearing the Pearl Jam T. I gave you for your birthday. I sad.
    PS. Haven’t heard back about Aug 24 or 25 in the Hammer for SFH.

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