07.06.2012 09:59 AM

Ridiculous, boring, stupid: Summertime reading

Perhaps it’s because I’m in Jamaica and don’t give a rat’s ass, or perhaps it’s because I’m becoming even more of a curmudgeon than before: either way – and from an admittedly great distance – I find this week’s commentary/news to be a ribald mix of stupidity, ridiculousness and/or stupendously boring thumb-sucking.

A sampling:

The Globe and Mail’s august editorial board, on…strippers. That’s what they’re worried about, down on Front Street. Strippers.

It wasn’t even a cabinet shuffle, for Chrissakes! It was the replacement of ONE PERSON. But the Post, and everyone else, endlessly pokes through the entrails to ascertain the cosmic significance of it all. You know, the replacement of ONE PERSON. Please, Lord, kill me now.

…and, finally, the Toronto Star editorializes in favour of lighting up the downtown core at night. On, um, the same night the downtown core was entirely without power. Because, you know, too many people were using power.

And so on, and so on. And newspaper folks wonder why they’re heading the way of the Dodo. Wonder no more, etc.

Oh, and if one more media person tells us to “keep hydrated” we are going to kill them.

End of rant.


  1. frmr disgruntled Con now Happy Lib says:

    Dont sweat it, mon…….

    I do look forward to SFH’s next album of punk-reggae fusion however…….

  2. Bill Templeman says:

    WK: Here’s a column suggestion pour vous….the growing fungus of foulness over Dean Del Mastro’s campaign funding. This story could have legs. it certainly has a strong smell. Family connections, favourable contracts awarded to cousin’s company, personal cheques, denials, accusations against Elections Canada, et. al. It doesn’t have to be a summer of boring news….to you with failing hands we throw the torch. All for free! Next development will surely be funding cuts to Elections Canada…..


    Paula Smith posted in Cross-Party Cooperation Peterborough (Facebook)

    One of our Dupers is Dean Del Mastro, Parliamentary Secretary to our Prime Minister. Del Mastro’s cousin’s company, Deltro Electric, is suspected of improperly strong arming their employees into making political donations to Mr. Delmastro’s election campaign.

    Please see the recent projects of Deltro Electric (shown on their current website):

    RCMP Facility, Kitchener
    • Complete design/build
    • Level 2security clearance required
    • Installation of sensitive phone and internet monitoring equipment
    • Designed and installed sophisticated security system
    Deltro Website: http://www.deltro.ca/public.html

    It would be interesting to know how and when this RCMP contract was awarded to Deltro.


  3. Philippe says:

    Don’t worry, be happy mon.

  4. Byron says:

    Keep Hydrated!

  5. Jeremy says:

    https://twitter.com/#!/search/salacioussully Wendy Sullivan’s twitter account.

  6. Justin says:

    Todays SUN had the words ‘BUM DEAL’ on the front page. I bet it’s just a hit piece from Goldstien about how much more money you make.

  7. Mr. Murdoch esq. says:

    Eh mon. Ev ree ting is i ree. Enjoy yourself for now and when you come back you can continue to change the world- “one love”.

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