07.08.2012 08:48 AM

Trudeau who?

This is a Rick Bell story. In the Calgary Sun. In Alberta.

Good thing nobody is interested in this Trudeau guy.


  1. que sera sera says:

    Absolutely love the buzz, Warren!

    And meanwhile, back on Planet Conservative, $16 glasses of OJ doesn’t appear to be helping anyone swallow electoral fraud, voter suppression and forged documents.

  2. Windsurfer says:

    Brutal comments. [scroll down to bottom]


    Can’t wait for the bloodbath which the next 2 years are destined to become. What will be left? [of Canada]

  3. Robbie says:

    Isn’t one of Justin’s supposed strengths his appeal to younger voters? Not many seen in this puff piece. Given his ties to BC, perhaps he can get some help from BC Liberal leader Christy Clark on how to get the vote out and harness that star candidate potential.


  4. Byron says:

    Given the day and age we live in, Justin will have to display his economic and foreign policy bona fides before he truly plays to a wider audience. I know he gets the social policy stuff inside out but I personally want to see a more well rounded policy understanding.

    He’s certainly got the style, I want to see more substance.

  5. Bill Templeman says:

    but, but, but…..what does JT and his party stand for? sorry to rain on the parade, but policy matters to a few of us out here in Voterland. I know, I know, Harper is scary. I mean policy, actual positions, ideas, goals…..

    • Philip says:

      Agreed. The leadership race, should JT enter it, would be the time to bring those positions and policies to the table. Let them be judged on their own merits, beside the others.

      • Jordan says:

        If Liberals were smart they’d start letting the grassroots decide policy. That way there would be such thing as Liberal policies and not just Dion-policy or Ignatieff-policy.

        • Philip says:

          What does that even mean? Should a party leader simply be an empty vessel into which the membership pours it’s various ideas? Or should a leader of a party be just that, a leader and inspire the membership to follow him/her? How is one way better or worse than the other?

          • Jordan says:

            I think a leader should be able to have a say in the platform and how certain policies would implemented but it’s idiotic to change your views everytime there is a new leader. Is it smart to campaign for a carbon tax in one election and abandon that the next election for cap and trade only to have leadership candidate to propose a carbon tax again? Is it smart to shift to the left in one election to try and squeeze out the NDP only to say after it fails it’s time to move back to the centre?

            Should the leader be the one to ultimately decide if the 75% of Liberal delegates who supported the legalization of marijuana are right or wrong?

            A leader should be forced to stick with this policy because it was overwhelmingly embraced by the grassroots, the leader should be responsible for how the policy will be implemented. Will it be sold and taxed just like cigarettes? Will you have to be 16 or 18 or 19 to be able to purchase it? Will people be aloud to grow it for their own personal use or to sell it?

            If the grassroots wants a carbon tax then the leader can decide how that will be brought in and what happens with the money it brings in.

            I believe a leader should have a say in some more minor policies but when it comes to the major policy ideas that define a party they should be decided by the grassroots and not change every election.

            The Conservative never won in 2004 but they didn’t decide to drop the idea of lowering taxes, or getting rid of the gun registry because they lost.

            The Liberals need to stand for something and that is not going to happen if what they stand for changes every few years.

          • Philip says:

            Good post. I agree with a lot of what you say, particularly about the need for a political party to have a set of principles which resonate party wide and are carried through multiple election cycles. The danger, for any political party, is holding tight to those principles if the rest of the electorate no longer sees the value in them. In theory, frequent consultations with the grassroots membership should prevent this from happening. In practice, I do think most parties do turn into echo chambers as the membership becomes invested in some principles while the general public moves on. That’s when the leader needs to step up and almost drag the party forward.

          • Jordan says:

            The NDP have basically advocated for the same thing for 50 years and have gone from fourth place to second. The leader in that party supposedly has very little say in policy and must campaign on policies drives by their membership. I don’t necessarily agree with all that because the leader needs some power. However you can change some minor things with policies while still advocating for the same thing. As well if it doesn’t work in one election the membership can decide at the next policy convention whether to drop it or not.

  6. Eric Weiss says:

    I love it when big time Liberals come to Alberta and pretend they don’t hate us. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  7. Fred Webb says:

    Hi Warren
    The highlight of the due wasn’t JT but seeing Bell whine at the gate because he wasn’t on the media list followed up with his chasing the organizers to pay for his parking. Best side observer comment was ” gee Rick how could they leave you off, after all the nice things you and your Sun buddies write about us.” Maybe you could get Lilley and Ezra to piece off Rick a bit of their clothing allowance it would sure improve the image or maybe not.

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