08.17.2012 05:13 AM

Free Pussy Riot – today (updated)

SFH’s drummer, Davey, is about to go on CBC to discuss this morning’s verdict.

Another friend is going to be at the courthouse in Russia for the verdict. He/she will be sending updates I’ll try and post here.

Finally, there are rallies all over the civilized world. Toronto’s is outside the Russian consulate on Bloor East at Jarvis. Members of SFH will be there to sell Pussy Riot T-shirts for the band’s legal defence fund.

UPDATE: While the Toronto Star doesn’t, the National Post gives credit where it’s due, here. That video was broken by blogger. Not a newspaper.


  1. Tiger says:

    Re the Post’s story vs. the Star’s — more detail makes for a better story, too.

  2. John says:

    Just read on the BBC that they have been found guity…

    What a crock.


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