Musings —08.23.2012 07:48 AM
—Let fury have the hour, anger can be power
Joey Keithley, née Shithead, has been a friend of mine for about 35 years. When I was in the Hot Nasties, he was the driving force of DOA, and we did plenty of shows together in Western Canada.
He is a thoughtful and decent guy, and surprisingly gentle. He founded and runs a very successful music company, and is a real family guy. He has also been active on the fringes of politics of years (mainly as a Green), but now he’s decided to take the plunge. You can read all about it here.
Former NDP national director Brad Lavigne was at SFH’s Ottawa show a couple weeks back, and I told my friend Brad what I now tell you: if Joey wins that nomination, I will be heading out to BC to help him win that seat. Other friends I’ve got in my punk-politico circle may do likewise.
That’s not an NDP-Liberal merger, per se, but it’s start. Now, go Joey go!
Tell him I know who stole his 6 f**ks jacket from the Smiling Bhudda way back in the day.
Talk minus action = zero.
Sign me up.
Merger here we come!
Or, not. But it’ll be fun.
Joey is a smart, passionate and tenacious person, we need more of his type in politics…Good Luck Joey!
Will you invoke the ghost of Jack Layton to win the seat?
Of course, another option is to channel Jack’s ghost — provided the new CRTC audio regulations are respected going forward.
It’s allowed because it counts as CanCon.
It appears to me, after thirty years of electoral politics in every capacity even as candidate that there are many Libs who agree with the NDP on all issues but will not vote or join them “Because they are the NDP” Now that the Libs are on the wane, these folks still want to be involved but are not afraid anymore, to admit it. If this scenario can be justified as a “Merge” go for it.
“Liar for hire. Do anything. Liar for hire. Say anything.” That’s what Joey said back in the day. He’s walking into the lion’s den. Can he handle the pressure? Fuck yeah I’d say. Go Joey go. Contributions go where?
It won’t be tough coming up with campaign slogans. Here’s one:
You’ve voted in shitheads for years.. but at least I’m honest about it.