09.21.2012 08:46 AM

Get yer SFH-related news here!

Our ‘Why Do You Hate Me?’ CD, on Universal/Sudden Death records, is out next month! Get it on iTunes here!

Ugly Pop’s re-release of the Hot Nasties’ EP has sold out! They’re reprinting another thousand!

We’ve booked dates in Ottawa, Toronto, and Southwestern Ontario for the next few weeks!

And, because it’s my web site and I feel like it, here’s our ‘Double Bubble Trouble’ vid! Exclamation marks!

1 Comment

  1. Steve T says:

    When are you going to post your Sunday Sun column (re: the Quebec flag-removal matter)? You are dead-on in the article, and both Harper and Mulcair should be ashamed for letting the Quebec government off without any challenge to their shameful behaviour.

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