Musings —09.03.2012 09:48 AM
—Help wanted
A group we do work with – one focused on gender issues – is looking for an entry-level female writer, one with writing samples, great attitude, etc. Full time post.
If you know such a person, or are such a person, contact me.
Mr. Kinsella;
I’m very interested in learning more about the writing opportunity recently posted to your website. Should you wish to review my work please visit my website as described above, specifically the posts “Time to Face The Monster”, an article that specifically deals with female images in the media, and “Confessions of a Wilted Wild Rose”, the article that was credited by several media outlets as being the catalyst for changing the course of the most recent provincial election in Alberta.
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kathleen Smith
Is now the time to ask whether being female is a BFOR for an entry-level job as a writer? :p
But I suppose this is for a program/organization for an ameliorative purpose, so those provisions don’t apply.
Mr. Kinsella,
I’m very interested in such a position! I would love to know more, and would love to provide examples of my writing. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more details.
Thanks in advance,
Aimee Adler
Send to wkinsella (AT) and I will forward on.
Dear Mr. Kinsella:
I am interested in applying for this position. Earlier worked as freelance writer and still continue to do so as and when an opportunity arises. If the position is still available please do not hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks