09.11.2012 12:00 AM

In today’s Sun: the punk oracle

The 2012 punk rock festival called Riot Fest is, admittedly, a pretty unusual place to research Barack Obama’s demographic appeal with younger U.S. voters. But we aren’t afraid to go the extra mile for our readers.

It was a mud pit, Riot Fest was, and situated (improbably) at Toronto’s historic Old Fort York. Inside the gates, thousands of grimy, gritty tattooed punks were in attendance — and hordes slamdanced in the mosh pit in front of the stage, as bands such as the Lawrence Arms, the Descendents and Toronto’s F–ked Up cheerfully broke assorted municipal noise bylaws. Facial tats, piercings and swear words in abundance. Anarchy and chaos reigned.

Backstage, Fat Mike — nee Michael John Burkett — soberly reflected on the electoral chances of Obama. Sporting a Mohawk hairdo and a T-shirt with something on it that cannot be published in a family friendly newspaper, Fat Mike surveyed the ceiling of his trailer.

“I don’t think (Obama) is in an impossible situation, at all,” says Fat Mike, brows furrowed. “In fact, given that he inherited the Titanic, politically, he’s done very well.”


  1. Ted H says:

    Obama inherited the Titanic, very well put, he should be emphasizing this fact. The main US economic problem is over 3 decades of Republican fiscal policy. Maybe if the Dems hammered this fact, they would get a congressional majority too.

  2. Philippe says:

    My take is that it’s been fairly clear for awhile that the Republican opposition wasn’t up to the task of preventing his second term. They’re not creating enough angry white guys to get elected. They have a serious demographic problem that’s getting worse, with a burgeoning Latino population that’s firmly entrenched in the Democratic corner. If they acted more like David Frum, with well reasoned arguments rather than Rush L. style vitriol, they’d appeal to independents outside of their base and have a fighting chance. Their other miscalculation was their attempt to prevent Obama from doing anything (hence make him look weak) rather than play-ball and meet in the middle on policy.

    The Republican party is going to have to make fundamental changes to become electable again. It starts with marginalizing the tea-party cooks, rather than pretend they have solutions.

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