Cons still can’t get anywhere near a real majority (phony majorities of 37% of the popular vote don’t count — for any party. Even Mulroney managed to get over 50% and I say that as a Liberal.)
Ibbitsons comments only make sense in the fantasy world of our Alice in Wonderland electoral system. In an objective sense — in a a country with a fair voting system they would be nonsensical.
Harper talks the talk, but walking the walk hardly. Allowing principles to override best practices is the death knell for a society.
Cons still can’t get anywhere near a real majority (phony majorities of 37% of the popular vote don’t count — for any party. Even Mulroney managed to get over 50% and I say that as a Liberal.)
Ibbitsons comments only make sense in the fantasy world of our Alice in Wonderland electoral system. In an objective sense — in a a country with a fair voting system they would be nonsensical.
So Kelly, you are saying that Chretien`s 37 & 38% majorities are “phony and don`t count?”