10.17.2012 10:43 AM

As It Happens, Oct. 16: more or proroguing

I’m on after Robert Ghiz, who would’ve made an excellent Prime Minister, by the way. Nine minute mark.


  1. billg says:

    I have little time or passion for CBC Television, in a world of 5 million channels I really dont know what it does or accomplishes, but, CBC Radio needs to be continued and funded in my opinion. No lob ball questions in that interview.

  2. james curran says:

    As you know, I thought Ghiz woulda been a good catch.

  3. mf says:

    Yeah, Ghiz maybe would have made a good PM. Not now. There are millions of dollars of immigrant investor money unaccounted for under his watch. Curiously, his father in law’s accounting firm was heavily involved in recruiting and “processing” the immigrants. Out of 150,000 to 200,000 dollar investments only $40 K made it into the hands of the investee firm. The rest into accounting firms like the aforementioned. Over 2000 such applicants were processed within a 6 – 8 month period. DO the math.

    I don’t think Mr. Ghiz is worrying about his retirement.

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