10.22.2012 07:50 AM

Cowardly Putin sends Pussy Riot members to prison work camps

Story here.

If this bastard thinks we’re going to forget about these women, he’s got another thing coming.


  1. John says:

    If ever there was a case where the punishment outweighed the crime then this is certainly it. I can not believe what these women are being subjected to. It’s appalling.

  2. MoS says:

    Brutal son of a bitch, sure. Despot, yeah. Cowardly? I doubt it.

  3. Merrill Smith says:

    When did the expression change from “another think coming?” You’re not the first I’ve seen type it this way, so maybe it’s becoming accepted, but it doesn’t work for me.

    • Paul says:

      I think it changed around time “step foot in”, “would of,” “rather then” and other bastardizations of the language came into being. Spell check is partly to blame, but I still maintain that ignorance is the prime mover here. I get the impression that the kids these days just don’t read much, so they spell/type things as they (mistakenly) hear them rather than if they had read the phrase in question before somewhere, as in: a book instead of a “tweet”.

  4. George says:

    Kind of guy you want endorsing Obama, no?

  5. Mulletaur says:

    The only ones who should be sent on a long vacation to Perm are Putin and his band of kleptocrats. I hope to see that day.

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