Hate to hijack an SFH thread but wanted to say I love the philosophy behind FTR. I’m certainly more right than left but it’s time we had a credible alternative to Harper (even though I think he’s done a good job in general).Hating one’s political adversaries is no substitute for a platform and only serves to make the haters look small. Bravo!
What’s a punk doing up before noon?
Good frigging question
Punks don’t sleep. That’s for jazz musicians
I’ll bet he was there to play his guitar with Murray
Seriously: mad jams with Murray. Dig.
The Wiggles frighten me too.
I get to see them at Copps this Sunday. Now that’s scary. Wiggles and New Order all in the same month. It’s overwhelming really.
Hate to hijack an SFH thread but wanted to say I love the philosophy behind FTR. I’m certainly more right than left but it’s time we had a credible alternative to Harper (even though I think he’s done a good job in general).Hating one’s political adversaries is no substitute for a platform and only serves to make the haters look small. Bravo!