Musings —10.11.2012 06:52 AM
—Fight The Right on tour
At CFRA, this fine Ottawa morn, and ran into my Carleton brother, Jim Watson. That guy never stops.
Yesterday in Montreal, it was a busybusy day with CBC, CTV and CJAD (twice).
Later today in Ottawa, we’ll be sellin’ and signin’ books around noon at the Chapters on Rideau and Sussex. C’mon by and say hi!
Me, Jim and Stunt Man Stu!
Are coming out to Edmonton? There’s still some very decent independent bookstores out here – I’m thinking of Audrey’s – but no shortage of Indigos and Chapters. There’s also this thing called the Wildrose Party, and a small-ish Liberal Party. What I’m saying is, we need to see ya out here!
So, do I rush home at noon, get my copy and high-tail it over to Chapters? Or do I just walk over to Chapters and get a second copy for you to sign? I don’t have a lawn.
Saw you on Strombo – gotta admit I thought it was Bill Murray at first – looking forward to reading your book as well as this blog. I’d like your take on the US VP debate. I think NHL rules should apply!!
CFRA is a cancer, and Lowell Green should be ashamed of himself. I certainly am ashamed to have ever heard his voice.