10.22.2012 12:53 PM

Huffington Post: Fight The Right “well worth picking up”

There haven’t been a lot of reviews so far – book pages are becoming a lot less plentiful, sadly – but Matt Price at the Huffington Post gave it a thorough read.

Here it is in true blurb style: “[Kinsella] deserves credit for writing this book, period… he is absolutely on the money…[Fight The Right] is well worth picking up.”

Ha! But you can (and should) read his full review, here, bouquets and brickbats included.


  1. M5SLIB says:

    Read the book last week Warren… it made my hour long commute to work seem like minutes. It was poignant and very enjoyable. I’m very glad you wrote it. Now let’s hope the LPC takes heed of your advice before the NDP does (I know I know, do it together).

  2. WesternGrit says:

    Great book Warren… I’d pre-ordered it. Simple read – and I can carry it into combat (meaning my laptop bag as I trudge to the office. Love the cover, by the way.

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