10.17.2012 07:02 PM



Yes yes yes.


  1. james curran says:

    Yep. I’d back that.

  2. Mike says:

    Nothing against Sandra – she’s awesome.

    Why not Wynne? Is awesomer a word?

  3. laura says:


  4. reformatory says:

    Wynn, Matthews, Broten- the 3 of them are sullied by being inside caucus. They would not sell to a broader Ontario electorate. None of them would have any traction outside the GTA. None of them are CHANGE.

    Sandra on the other hand is game changer. She’s got style, pizzazz, lots of energy, and she left at just the right time to not be associated with the rest of them while *&&# hit the fan since the last election.

    She has tons of government and private sector experience. She got street cred, honest likeability, can sell to average Ontarians, and also is respected on Bay street. She’s held progressive social portfolios as well as economic ones.

    If she’s tough enough for Windsor and can mix it up with auto workers, then she can mix it up with anyone. I would bet that Northern Ontario would even respect her.

    If the OLP is serious about pulling an “Alison Redford”, and unless another game changer comes out of nowhere.. Ladies and Getlemen, I introduce to you today the new Premier of Ontario.. the Rt. Hounourable Sandra Pupatello.

    Now the only thing I ask of her, as soon as she gets in is to dump her Windsor counterpart.. Duncan Donuts. We need a new finance minister…pppleeease!

    Ohh and one more thing.. while the house is prorogued, cut a new deal with Ontario teachers. One that’s fair and not underhanded like the one proposed. Follow your Bliss.. reclaim your alliances and lets roll to 4 more years of majority government.

    That’s the only way we are going to rid ourselves of HUDAT!

  5. Sean says:

    Funny, even before McGuinty became premier in 2003, I’d heard Liberals talk about her running for leader. I’m assuming it will be a delegated convention? I havn’t seen those rules lately. Windsor and Western Ontario would be powerhouses as usual. So, a lot of her candidacy might be related to what Duncan does and vice versa. Here’s to hoping its as wild a night as 1996.

  6. MississaugaPeter says:

    Sorry, I disagree.

    Sandra is great, but the best person to help make sure that that the most number of MPPs are re-elected and new Liberal MPs are elected in the next election is Gerard.


    I guess it is The Star vs. The Sun.

    • reformatory says:

      Problem is Gerrard burned his bridges in Ontario. he left and is entrenched federally. He’s also vested in the Trudeau campaign. There’s no way he can do a uturn for provincial politics now. I agree he would have been great if he stayed but he left and pursued federal politics- and alot has changed now. Sometimes you just can’t go home anymore.

      That’s why I tell you Sandra is pretty much the only one that can help them pull an Alison Redford.

      • MississaugaPeter says:

        I dated Alison’s best friend in high school (Bishop Carroll, WK’s H.S.) and room mate in university (U. of A.), so I know Alison. Sandra is no Alison.

        Kathleen and Gerard will get the teacher’s support, not Sandra.

    • Tim Sullivan says:

      If Kennedy leads either of the federal or provincial parties, the Liberal Party he leads will have to get by without me. He offers nothing. His instincs go from poor to terrible. He has bad timing. He has accomplished little and contributed even less to the parties. He cannot win his own seat.

      I cannot see one up-side to his candidacy.

  7. james curran says:

    Except he has the issue of losing his seat and not being able to speak French……..still.

    • MississaugaPeter says:


      Yes, he lost in 2011. Riding next to him, was Ignatieff, leader of the Federal Liberals, and he lost his seat.

      Yes, the NDP machine did an incredible smear job on Gerard. Trying to be honourable, Gerard, tried to win without going in the gutter. He has learned to expect the worst.

      BUT, let’s look at his 4-1 election record.

      In 2008, there were only 2 new Liberal ridings across all of Canada. Gerard’s Parkdale High-Park was one of them. Against the incumbent MP who was also president of the NDP Party.

      In 2003, won re-election in Parkdale-High Park.

      In 1999, ran and won in the riding of Parkdale-High Park, which was previously held by a Conservative MPP.

      In 1998, ran in the byelection for York-South Weston. It had been an NDP riding forever. It had not elected a non-NDP or non-CCF MPP since 1955! It had been Bob Rae’s riding. The standard bearer for the NDP was Harvard-educated David Miller. Yes, that one. The guy who was elected mayor of Toronto twice.

      James, trying to label Gerard a loser is total bullshit. McGuinty lost the election in 2003. Are you suggesting he should not have had a second chance? And if Justin does not win in the next federal election, are you suggesting he is not worthy of a second shot?

      • james curran says:

        McGuinty became Premier in 2003. In fact he’s never not won his seat since 1990. Apples to oranges. Nobody called Gerard a loser. Least of all me. I’m simply pointing out the same arguments that will arise that were ever present in 2006. it would be nice to have two friends as Premier and PM, but it’s a stretch. And, Justin will win the next election.

      • Gary says:

        The provincial riding of Parkdale-High Park was newly created for the 1999 election. Therefore, it was not previously held by anyone. The riding of High Park-Swansea was held by Conservative Derwyn Shea, but he did not run again in 1999.
        Adding the Park dale half to the riding changed the electoral landscape in a big way. A Conservative always comes a distant third. To top it off, Gerard beat Rent-a-Tory Annamarie Casstrilli, Google that one. L.O.L., So, Gerard did win in 1999, but not a Tory Killer.

        • MississaugaPeter says:

          Yes, PHP was created in 1999. The predominantly High Park half had in 1995 had the Liberals come in third:

          1995 Results:

          Derwyn Shea – Conservative 10,559 (38.8%)
          Elaine Ziemba – NDP 8,899 (32.7%)
          Ted Lojko – Liberals 7,121 (26.1%)

          In 1999, the Liberals had gone from 30 to 35 seats. Gerard delivered PHP strongly:

          Gerard Kennedy – Liberal – 23,022 (54.9%)
          Annamarie Castrilli – PC 12,647 (30.2%)
          Irene Atkinson – NDP 4,937 (11.8%)

          After Gerard left PHP provincially, the NDP have won it 3 times in a row!

    • MississaugaPeter says:

      And how do you know he doesn’t speak French?

      Both his children are in public French schools. He practises his French daily. His French is far superior today than it was in 2006. Even then, it received a passing grade!

      I guess you were referring to an article that the Globe corrected in 2006.


      “The Globe ran a correction on Monday saying two MPs it initially said were essentially unilingual — Maurizio Bevilacqua and Gerard Kennedy — had, in fact, passed. “

  8. KC says:

    Warren, any thoughts about Yasir Naqvi as a leadership contender?

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