11.22.2012 10:08 AM

Damerla backs Pupatello!

Another fine Ontario Liberal picks Sandra to be the next Premier!

How many is that, now?

And remember: if you’re planning to vote for Sandra in the Ontario Liberal Leadership race, and you should, you need to register to vote by this Friday.

It’s super easy to do, it only costs $10, and it takes less than two minutes. I promise. If you want to do more, of course, you can pass this here link along to friends and family and sign them up Friday – ie., tomorrow. (Or you can put your name forward to run as a delegate for Sandra.  And you should.) First, however, make sure you have registered to vote. You can do so at this link. To register, you need to be 14 or over, and ordinarily resident in Ontario (that’s different than an election, where you have to be 18 and a citizen).

Listen: being able to cast a direct vote for will be the next Premier of Ontario is something that doesn’t happen every week. The last Ontario Liberal leadership was 16 years ago. The last time the Ontario Liberal Party directly selected a sitting Premier was 60 years ago. So get involved now – and, being as insightful as you are, I know you will support Sandra Pupatello!

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