Robert “Bob” Chiarelli (born September 24, 1941 in Ottawa, Ontario) is a Canadian politician. He served in the Ontario Legislative Assembly from 1987 to 1997, and was subsequently re-elected to the legislature in 2010[1] after serving as regional chair and mayor of Ottawa from 1997 to 2006. In August 2010, he joined the provincial cabinet as Minister of Infrastructure. On October 20, 2011 he added the role of Minister of Transportation.[2] He is of Italian origin in the city of Cleto.
I was at Sandra’s event today in Ottawa and she gave a great speech. My wife and I both signed her nomination papers. I am not good at estimating crowd sizes but the Metropolitan was full so I think maybe 100 to 200 enthusiastic attendees. Since I am a riding president, I will be a delegate and will help elect Sandra as the first woman premier of Ontario.
I’m pleased that so many great liberals are applying for the job to lead Ontario. What I would really like to see happen though is a thoughtful conversation and sharing of ideas and consensus building from all of the candidates. The leadership convention should not be a war and fight over who should lead, but an opportunity to showcase the party’s talents and strengths. A team building exercise that encourages the natural outcome of which of these applicants will be best suited to carry us into the next election. I’m dreaming, but there has to be a focus on the process as well as the outcome….Ontario’s future is after all at stake. If Sandra is really serious about putting the fire back into the party, perhaps she could also push for a by-election before the convention.
I guess if Dwight resigned immediately and Dalton called a by-election, it could happen. I would be very impressed if Sandra was an MPP before the delegate selection meetings!
I totally agree with Mom. 😉 The leadership race should be about building a consensus, not slagging your rivals. I am disappointed that this has already begun.
But the idea of a by-election before the convention is not a practical one. Not only would it cause a leadership aspirant to split their time an resources between the by-election and the leadership. It would present the opposition parties with a golden opportunity to focus all of their resources and energies into one riding, cutting off a potential leader at the knees before they even became leader. We have already seen cheesy attack ads from the PCs whenever anyone enters the race.
>I< could beat Tim Hudak, so could Andrea Horwath. That's the problem. Timmy is broken eggs. Dippers are the target. The Liberals own centre right and there is no way that Ragin' Randy will allow the Tories to make a claim for the centre. They're as ideologically trapped as the GOP. The only political land that's left is the Liberal left flank, and the dippers are making a populist move there.
The Chiarelli machine is formidable. Tough to beat someone with that backing.
Robert “Bob” Chiarelli (born September 24, 1941 in Ottawa, Ontario) is a Canadian politician. He served in the Ontario Legislative Assembly from 1987 to 1997, and was subsequently re-elected to the legislature in 2010[1] after serving as regional chair and mayor of Ottawa from 1997 to 2006. In August 2010, he joined the provincial cabinet as Minister of Infrastructure. On October 20, 2011 he added the role of Minister of Transportation.[2] He is of Italian origin in the city of Cleto.
I was at Sandra’s event today in Ottawa and she gave a great speech. My wife and I both signed her nomination papers. I am not good at estimating crowd sizes but the Metropolitan was full so I think maybe 100 to 200 enthusiastic attendees. Since I am a riding president, I will be a delegate and will help elect Sandra as the first woman premier of Ontario.
How can I get an invitation to this party? Looks like fun.
I’m pleased that so many great liberals are applying for the job to lead Ontario. What I would really like to see happen though is a thoughtful conversation and sharing of ideas and consensus building from all of the candidates. The leadership convention should not be a war and fight over who should lead, but an opportunity to showcase the party’s talents and strengths. A team building exercise that encourages the natural outcome of which of these applicants will be best suited to carry us into the next election. I’m dreaming, but there has to be a focus on the process as well as the outcome….Ontario’s future is after all at stake. If Sandra is really serious about putting the fire back into the party, perhaps she could also push for a by-election before the convention.
You are always right Mom.
I guess if Dwight resigned immediately and Dalton called a by-election, it could happen. I would be very impressed if Sandra was an MPP before the delegate selection meetings!
I totally agree with Mom. 😉 The leadership race should be about building a consensus, not slagging your rivals. I am disappointed that this has already begun.
But the idea of a by-election before the convention is not a practical one. Not only would it cause a leadership aspirant to split their time an resources between the by-election and the leadership. It would present the opposition parties with a golden opportunity to focus all of their resources and energies into one riding, cutting off a potential leader at the knees before they even became leader. We have already seen cheesy attack ads from the PCs whenever anyone enters the race.
She’d definitely beat Tim Hudak, the Paul Ryan of Ontario.
>I< could beat Tim Hudak, so could Andrea Horwath. That's the problem. Timmy is broken eggs. Dippers are the target. The Liberals own centre right and there is no way that Ragin' Randy will allow the Tories to make a claim for the centre. They're as ideologically trapped as the GOP. The only political land that's left is the Liberal left flank, and the dippers are making a populist move there. The Chiarelli machine is formidable. Tough to beat someone with that backing.