11.15.2012 12:44 PM

Something I have been wanting to say for a long time

I have the Man Flu today, so I am in one foul mood. Stay away.

As such, this fits my mood perfectly. Spotted by Steve Ladurantaye. (Oh, and Steve: thanks for help on delivery. It came for about a week and then stopped. Now all they send is bills. This, too, puts me in a bad mood!)


  1. Kirsten says:

    You and my husband. He’s a regular guest commentator on this very subject in the front seat of the car on my morning commute. I am going to have to share this with him.

  2. frmr disgruntled Con now Happy Lib says:

    I wont mention Bob Rae’s speech to the Canadian Club in TO this am, then………hope your feeling better soon……..

  3. James Bow says:

    Get well soon, though I think I’m one up on you.

    A young daughter with stomach flu at 3:30 in the morning tops that.

    Two young daughters with stomach flu at 5:00 in the morning tops THAT.

    I do note that you’ve got more kids than me, so you have a great opportunity to beat that record. Assuming you haven’t done so already.

  4. DJ says:

    As if we’re not supposed to drive just as carefully around cars with no kids as passengers!

    Next target: Parking spaces reserved for parents in mall parking lots. These are usually close to the mall/store entrance. As if kids shouldn’t have to walk!

    Crazy world we’re living in.

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