Musings —12.13.2012 01:38 PM
—My apology
A virus has somehow infected my Hotmail account. Apologies for the inconvenience to all I’ve infected!
Musings —12.13.2012 01:38 PM
—A virus has somehow infected my Hotmail account. Apologies for the inconvenience to all I’ve infected!
It’s more likely that a virus infected your computer. Please have it checked.
Don’t sweat it .. many of us have been nailed…
My hotmail did the same thing and trumpeted that I was
coming out as an advocate of rabbit fur underwear ..
Of course the first viral email went to my hockey playing homies
and their wives or girlfriends …
Errrgh …
Avoid internet and sex virii.
I bet it was that damned “Pierre Poutine”…..
Wow, I suggested that W.K., in the interest of full disclosure, provide a list of apologies that he made, then he makes one. One down, nine to go.
Will this make the next ‘Top 10 Apologies’ list?
Oh, I’m sure conservative douchebags are out there, keeping track. Are you one of them?
Not at all, actually – at least the conservative part. I’ll let others decide the douchebag part. Just a centre-leaning leftie poking some fun.