01.29.2013 11:27 AM

Carville, Matalin out at CNN

Story here.

Where you live, in this business, indeed matters.  That’s why you see so many Ottawa-based politicos on the shows beaming out of there.  It just makes more economic sense – even if what they say doesn’t always make political sense.


  1. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    The three most important words in political commentary either from politician or pundit…Just Wing It!

    (Or as my late father used to say: Everything’s Bullshit.)

  2. Philippe says:

    Kinda sad to see Carville go- I always thought he had uncanny communication abilities & charisma.

    Hopefully run Clinton’s campaign in 2016.

  3. J.W. says:

    I was wondering if the membership of Ottawa pundit panels must be chosen or approved by the parties, or do the afternoon political shows actually pick the panel members. Obviously the shows pick the journalist panels, but there are MP panels and the so called expert panels who mostly come from lobby firms as well. How does that work?

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