01.24.2013 12:52 PM

David Peterson on Sandra Pupatello

…on CBC Radio just now.

  • @sandrapupatello has been in economic portfolios and has a great heart, and a great sense of compassion.”
  • “I share your high view of @sandrapupatello.”
  • “There’s no way the next Premier wins by being obsequious.” (Peterson dismissing criticism of feisty @sandrapupatello)


  1. ugh…worst political judgement of anyone (except for Joe Clark)…..she needs his endorsement like a hole in the head.

    She’s a winner going in unless the others gang up. That has been obvious for awhile now.

  2. Joe Harrington says:

    You aint gunna like what that PoS Blizzard said today then.

    • dillon says:

      The Magnet man’s endorsement is not particularly helpful. She needs Sorbara. He is the omly Liberal who is not looking for a pecuniary benefit from giving his support

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