02.14.2013 11:04 AM


I wonder where all these Pupatello-Duncan stories in the Star and Globe are coming from?

Who do you think would have a motive to do that kind of smear campaign?

Any hunches? Anyone?


  1. Sean says:

    Two nights ago I talked to an old friend who went from GK to Wynne on the floor. Her reason: “She is the conciliation candidate, the one who wants to work with everyone”. I love the old fashioned conventions, but its amazing how a bubble of unreality can form over the delegates. We are still good friends.

    Actually, I’ve been quite surprised to learn that most of the people I know who were at that convention went to Wynne. Apparently her speech made quite an impression.

    • Ed Frink says:

      Kathleen Wynne is a great progressive and she’s going to kick Tea Party Tim’s butt in the next election.

      She is going to win in a landslide, mark my words.

      • ottawacon says:

        You really think so? I lean right, but voted for McGuinty for the last 3 elections. Wynne has already made me skeptical and left me with the sense that she is wholly unprepared to address the profound challenges the province faces. But I struggle to see how her positioning has taken a corresponding vote from the NDP to keep even.

        Not sure if I can bring myself to vote for Hudak unless he gets much better babysitters. But I can see the Ontario Liberals absolutely collapsing in the next election.

        • Michael Reintjes says:

          Me Too…I really don’t want to vote for Tim Hudak but I’ve pretty much have had enough of the Provincial Libs….Penalty Box time…

  2. Michael says:

    I highly doubt that these stories are coming from anyone within OLP. Everyone gets smeared by association. The Star has been running with this story for a long time.

  3. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Let me come at it as a theoretical exercise: when a candidate wins a convention, you want to come out of the blocks with all cylinders firing — you want to build on the convention bounce and create further momentum. Conversely, if damaging events intervene and lessen momentum or diminish the candidate, the road ahead becomes fraught with uncertainty and an increasingly likely outcome of mitigated results, or perhaps even electoral disaster.

    Under such a scenario, an individual usually at an unauthorized level, a rogue agent, can attempt to boost a candidate by sniping at a rival who is perceived at large as being either more formidable or a potential eventual threat to said campaign.

    The truly sad thing is that more often than not, the rogue agent ends up causing precisely the opposite what he or she initially intended…thereby strengthening outside forces at the expense of the common change agent in power.

    As you’ve said, it isn’t logical — much less strategic to yell fire after having just set your own house ablaze.

  4. Joseph A. says:

    Hi Warren,

    When you write; “I wonder where all these Pupatello-Duncan stories in the Star and Globe are coming from?”

    Do you have any links for these articles? Because I can’t find them.


  5. Brad R says:

    Seconded – Are they online anywhere?

  6. Michael says:

    EKOS shows the Ontario Liberals once again leading the province in popular support at 32.5 per cent — the Progress Conservatives stand at 28.5 per cent support and the NDP at 25.6 — the Liberals have clawed back most of the ground they lost in the wake of their prorogation of the Ontario legislature and the resignation of Premier Dalton McGuinty.

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