03.27.2013 03:47 PM

Now if I could only become the default answer on Paypal transfer forms

Spotted by the ever-vigilant Steve Ladurantaye.  When Sun News Network asked viewers who’d they like to see with their own show, this what the form autofilled:


  1. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    I didn’t know for the longest time that a Paypal payment could be undone after the fact. Fortunately, I did not learn that precious gem the hard way.

  2. Pipes says:

    Not surprised. I mentioned to you a couple of times that the programming sucks and they need to give you your own show. With SFH playing commercials.

  3. patrick says:

    At least Sun TV would be watchable for more than 3 minutes without barfing. Of course this comes with the caveat that you have to interview someone other than fellow columnists in the Sun to keep me interested.

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