04.22.2013 06:05 AM

Dumb commentary in more than 140 characters



The attack ads are working. Twitter “teaches” nothing; mostly, teachers do. Obama lost the gun control vote. Question Period changes nothing.

Twitter circulated an avalanche of false information about the Boston bombings, and arguably made false stories easier to spread. Nobody donates to, or as a result of, Twitter. It “inspires” no one.  It just is.

It’s a tool, tool. It’s not the summit of human achievement. Get a grip.

That more than 140 characters? Too bad.


  1. Cath says:

    Good thing it’s spring cleaning time WK. It’s as necessary for twitter twits as it is for faux-Facebook friends.

  2. Ottawa Civil Servant says:

    Agree with Warren 100%.

    My only hesitation is Twitter being used as polls are now used, to sway voters by telling them what is accepted by their neighbours.

  3. Sean says:

    Twitter is nothing in politics. I think it is actually a fad which will be dead in about 10 years.

  4. Breandán Rowan says:

    “Yet dismissing technology’s role in the Arab Spring is equally erroneous. The speed of communication through digital channels gives activists unprecedented agility during street operations. Online, they can organize, debate, plan, and broadcast at a level of coordination that was unavailable, indeed unimaginable, in the past.”


    The real thing is, the powers-that-be, including Harper and JT live in fear their actual agendas will be revealed …

    This is like fighting the printing press …

  5. JB Blauq says:

    After reading his blathering, incoherent answer to Mansbridge, “word for word” – I have to say I ,like, agree with, you know, you..

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