The death of Thatcher clearly shows the difference between “conservatives” and “Progressives”
When Jack Layton died, Conservatives expressed their sympathies…..and when a conservative dies, particularly one of Thatcher’s status passes away…..the lefties cannot get in line fast enough to express their joy.
Just watch what happens when “W” passes away. I’m sure the folks at the CBC and their ilk will be throwing quite a party….on our dime of course.
Pretty pathetic.
The lefties just don’t forgive Thatcher for stating the obvious; “Socialism only works until you run out of other peoples’ money.
Wow, amazing how people are tactless and classless, when someone dies. JamesHalifax had a good point, above, but I’ll expand on it.
Conservatives may talk-down the left, but typically do so with far less spite and vitriol than the left talks down conservatives. Reptilian kitten-eater comments notwithstanding, the comments from the left often paint conservatives as the second coming of Satan, with no heart, no ethics, etc.. etc…
They say you shouldn’t speak ill of the dead.
But she was a milk snatcher. Milk snatching is a crime against humanity. That’s all I have to say.
The death of Thatcher clearly shows the difference between “conservatives” and “Progressives”
When Jack Layton died, Conservatives expressed their sympathies…..and when a conservative dies, particularly one of Thatcher’s status passes away…..the lefties cannot get in line fast enough to express their joy.
Just watch what happens when “W” passes away. I’m sure the folks at the CBC and their ilk will be throwing quite a party….on our dime of course.
Pretty pathetic.
The lefties just don’t forgive Thatcher for stating the obvious; “Socialism only works until you run out of other peoples’ money.
Do you have any evidence for what you cite?
try google…..The references are all over the place. Look particularly at George Galloway.
The left is far kinder and more respectful than the right.
Only creationists and teabaggers disagree with this fact.
Come on James. There was plenty of nasty comments on certain newspaper websites coming from the public when Jack died.
James you are delusional. Please go back and look at Ezra Levant’s mocking of Jack Layton, then get back to us with an apology.
@JamesHalifax the better comparison is Chavez’s death, not Layton’s. Bogeymen (or woman) for both sides.
Thatcher didn’t seem too impressed with the direction Conservatism took in recent years (e.g. the Tea Party). She though Sarah Palin was nuts and refused to meet her:
Not a great fan, but I love how she knocked the Argies for six…….
She did her damage and now she’s dead. I think she was relatively harmless in her final years.
Wow, amazing how people are tactless and classless, when someone dies. JamesHalifax had a good point, above, but I’ll expand on it.
Conservatives may talk-down the left, but typically do so with far less spite and vitriol than the left talks down conservatives. Reptilian kitten-eater comments notwithstanding, the comments from the left often paint conservatives as the second coming of Satan, with no heart, no ethics, etc.. etc…
Do you have evidence for what you claim?
Hey WK did you see this clip of your old boss reflecting on meeting her? It made me chuckle, good for him…