Musings —05.30.2013 05:34 AM
—Rob Ford crack video exists: source
…and the source, as it turns out, is none other than Rob Ford.
His talking point: there is no video, but I know where the video is. Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia, etc.
Link here. The Star:
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford told senior aides not to worry about a video appearing to show him smoking crack cocaine because he knew where it was, sources told the Star.
Ford then blurted out the address of two 17th-floor units — 1701 and 1703 — at a Dixon Rd. apartment complex, to the shock of staffers at a city hall meeting almost two weeks ago, the sources said.
The mayor cited “our contacts” as the source of his information, according to insiders familiar with the unusual May 17 session in his office.
Staffers were alarmed by the implication of hearing so precise a location, sources said.
This report is based on accounts given by those privy to what was discussed the day after the Star and the U.S. website Gawker published news of the crack-cocaine video shot on a cellphone.
Ford has called news of the video “false” and said: “I do not use crack cocaine, nor am I an addict of crack cocaine. As for a video, I cannot comment on a video that I have never seen or does not exist.”
Around the table at city hall on May 17 were operations and logistics director David Price, then deputy chief of staff Earl Provost, press secretary George Christopoulos and others. Missing from the meeting was Mark Towhey, then Ford’s chief of staff. Also not in attendance was communications special assistant Isaac Ransom.
Towhey was fired last Thursday after counselling Ford to seek help for his health. Christopoulos and Ransom resigned “on principle” Monday, and Provost is now chief of staff.
“Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia,”
Really? He’s a municipal politician.
Dunno whether to laugh or cry. I mean, had he whispered it in one trusted staffers ear, but to blurt it out in a roomful of people… I am actually beginning to doubt whether Ford Nation will even care about this. I suspect that Rob will say something just as outrageous as usual, to the effect that it is all a setup, and Ford Nation shall raise itself on its hind legs and start baying for the Stars blood. Faux pas after stumble after cock-up, Rob Ford emerges from each succesive scandal with his support rock steady. How can sensible people hope to win over the electorate with good policy, or good governance, when SO VERY MANY people are immune to reason? Are we, as a country, to remain chained to loopy conservatives by virtue of a lunatic fringe that now consists of a full third of the electorate?
Work to end vote splitting. That’s the problem. Preferential ballots or proportional representation would get us closer to voter’s intentions. The vast majority of citizens never get the government they want.
Idiocracy North
Until the Star can produce the video, get one of their “sources” to identify themselves publicly, have Towhey or Price publicly confirm their information, anything they claim is meaningless. These unproven claims from “sources” only make Ford more popular with his supporters, because it fits his narrative the Star is “out to get him”
Deputy Mayor and Ford backer Doug Haladay, who does believe there is a video, has said it’s time for the Star to put up or shut up. Produce the video so it can be seen by the public and be tested to ensure it hasn’t been doctored, or shut up and move on.
Until that happens, it’s a game of he said/he said.
As an aside, it was announced this morning that a second suspect in the murder of Anthony Smith (the guy the Star claims was killed for the video) was arrested last nigh/early this morning in Alberta.
To quote realitybites:
Graham, media that refuses to use unnamed sources is media that is nothing but regurgitated press releases. Journalism has ALWAYS relied on unnamed sources and always will. Get the F*** over it or at least change the channel. If you want to be hear only what Stephen Harper, Kathleen Wynne and Rob Ford and their opponents want to tell you, fine. But don’t confuse it with news.
Rob Ford having the address of a crack house at the tip of his tongue means nothing.
Having knowledge of the address where a video that doesn’t exist would be if it did exist only means that he knows where to deal with the problem of a crack video, that doesn’t exit, if it did exist.
Just Rob being ahead of the curve, as usual.
Easy peasy.
Genius really.
and a proof is a proof is a proof
Graham. What would it take for you to abandon Rob Ford?
Would Rob Ford punching a baby in the face convince you he shouldn’t be mayor? How about if he showed up to work naked?
Deputy Mayor Holo-deck has stated he believes the video exists. He is unsure what is on it. It could be any number of the GTA’s 400 pound gingers smoking crack.
I read that one of the believers said on Radio 1010 on Sunday that she would need to see Ford’s DNA sample on the pipe before she would consider it to be true
DNA can be planted by the Toronto Star don`t you know.
With his head shaved: Rob Ford looks like an angry manatee.
Your prom date
wsam…has the best comments, lol!
Rob Ford should hire you, just to keep you off the internet:)
I was watching one of the executive counsellors on P&P a few days ago and she announced to tv land that there is no way of getting rid of Rob Ford unless he steps down willingly. Is that accurate? I cannot believe thats what it will take. I would think the councillors could band together and vote him to rehab or something. I know that the being arrested would help get rid of him, but I wanted to ask if there were other avenues that Toronto councillors could take to get rid of this trainwreck.
Well, his staffers (at least those with any sort of political future) certainly know that the situation is FUBAR and are abandoning ship in droves before any of the poo gets stuck on them.
And now the official comment from the Ontario PCs Doug Ford ‘not our candidate’
WSAM does have great comments… i think he honed them while teaching kids skiing.
Ouch, that’s pretty weak.
le Belge!!!
The more I hear the call “we will only believe the video exists if we can see it” and “we need proof”, the more I am reminded of the Christian vow “we don’t need actual proof that God exists, we have faith and that’s enough.”
I wonder if the two statements come from the same group …..
Any Atheist ever witness the big bang